
Here are some of our extraordinary C3 Summit past speakers:

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    Umar Farooq, Esq.

    Managing Partner
    Farooq & Co LLC

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    Judith Barnett

    Founder & President
    The Barnett Group, LLC

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    Rob Quartel

    CEO & Chairman
    NTEL·X, Inc

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    Patrick N. Theros

    Former U.S. Ambassador, Qatar
    President and Executive Director
    U.S.-Qatar Business Council

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    Christine Quigley

    Of Counsel
    Catalano, Gallardo & Petropoulos

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    Edward Burton

    Chief Executive Officer and President
    U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council

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    Fuad M. Sahouri

    President and CEO
    Sahouri Insurance and Financial

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    Randa El-Sayed Haffar

    Director, Citi Private Bank
    Director, Elmer and Mamdouha Bobst Foundation
    Elmer and Mamdouha Bobst Foundation

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    Amani Al-Khatahtbeh

    Media Relations Specialist
    American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

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    Mona Aboelnaga Kanaan

    Managing Partner
    K6 Investments LLC

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    Dr. David Paushter, M.D.

    Chairman, Department of Radiology
    University of Chicago Medicine

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    Elizabeth Richard

    Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
    U.S. Department of State

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    Paul Sutphin

    Middle East Partnership Initiative
    U.S. Department of State

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    Chéma Gargouri

    Center for Applied Training

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    Eric A. Savage

    Littler Mendelson, PC

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    Richard W. Westerdale, II

    Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy
    Bureau of Energy Resources
    U.S. Department of State

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    Talal M. Al Kaissi

    Chief of Staff & Advisor to the Commercial Counselor

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    Chemi Peres

    Managing General Partner and Co-Founder
    Pitango Venture Capital

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    Haifa Fahoum Al Kaylani

    Founder and Chairman
    Arab International Women's Forum

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    Honourable Emma Hippolyte

    Minister for Commerce
    Business Development
    Investment and Consumer Affairs
    Saint Lucia

Agenda (Subject to change)

Monday, October 19th, 2015

7:00 am - 8:00 am

Location: Main Lounge
(First Floor)

2015 C3 US-Arab Business Summit Registration
The Union League Club
38 East 37th Street / S.E. Corner of Park & 37th/ Entrance on 37th Street
New York, NY

The 2015 C3 US-Arab Business Summit is an exclusive event dedicated to forging new business relationships, fostering existing partnerships and exchanging best practices by building a cohesive global community through bilateral cooperation.

Reinforcing the theme of the 2015 C3 US-Arab Business Summit entitled "Cyber Security, Smart Cities and Bilateral Prosperity," the Summit will focus on solving the complex, multi-faceted, interlocking issues of security, technology, science and trade through collaboration, innovation, and partnership. Human and financial resources are needed to build balanced global markets which are required to deliver services that are properly and adequately staffed/protected to meet changing bilateral issues. Technologies must be designed and harnessed to foster innovation while providing products and services that are effective yet affordable, accessible, safe and secure.

The C3 US-Arab Business Summit will explore what role business and government can play to support economic development regarding solutions to these challenges. Answers to these questions are being tested and implemented on the world-wide stage every day. Finding success through collaboration, innovation, and partnerships (CIP), in the private and public sectors, is a deliverable the October 19th C3 US-Arab Business Summit will look to achieve.

8:00 am

Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Welcoming Remarks: 2015 C3 US-Arab Business
Mr. Ransel N. Potter,
Founder & Managing Partner,
C3 Summit International
Simply stated, this C3 US-Arab Business Summit is about exploring ideas, suggestions, and realistic recommendations as possible solutions to today's bilateral security, technology and financial challenges. Based on the insights of the Summit's global leaders and thinkers, participants can begin to immediately implement what they will hear and learn to help bring these innovations, pilot projects, cases studies, public-private partnerships and other practical solutions to fruition in the global commercial sector.

8:00 am - 9:00 am

Track #1
Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Financial: MENA Capital Markets as a "Smart" Investment Opportunity
Mr. Robert Michael,
Committee on Middle Eastern and North African Affairs,
New York City Bar Association
Mr. John P. Desrocher,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State,
Egypt and Maghreb Affairs
Mr. Ken Dorph,
President & CEO,
Sag Harbor Consulting
Mr. Karim Babay,
Managing Partner,
Chief Investment Officer,
Intrinsic Value Investment Partners
Mr. Paul C. Homsy,
Eaton & Van Winkle

On June 15th, the opening of the Tadawul, Saudi Arabia's $600 billion Stock Exchange, allowed the roughly 165 listed companies, particularly those that are not in the oil business, to raise money directly from foreign investors, with the goal of expanding businesses, diversifying the economy and creating more jobs for the kingdom's growing population. Before then, foreigners only could access the market indirectly, through a local Saudi institution, which was costly and complicated. The stock exchange's estimated value makes it the biggest in the Middle East. Among the companies listed, petrochemical firms make up a fifth of Tadawul, with heavyweights like Saudi Basic Industries Corp. The move comes at a crucial time for the MENA Region, where revenues have suffered from a plunge in oil prices over the past year. Bringing in foreign capital may prove to be a critical boost to the economies of both OPEC Members and countries like Egypt that rely on them while simultaneously allowing US and other investors the opportunity to share in the growth potential of the Region. There are, however, regulations in place for foreign investors. Presently, only financial institutions with $5 billion or more of assets under management, and have been in operation for five or more years, are eligible to invest. This panel will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the major Capital Markets from Egypt to the Persian Gulf, and the impact from increasing participation of institutional investors and reducing the role of smaller investors, the latter of which makes up 34.4 percent of the stock market ownership but accounts for nearly 90 percent of trading activity.

8:00 am - 9:00 am

Track #2
Location: Main Lounge
(First Floor)

Transportation & Logistics: Highways, Bridges & Tunnels - The Smart Road Forward
Mr. Michael Dinning,
Director, Multimodal Programs and Partnerships,
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center,
U.S. Department of Transportation
Dr. Rae Zimmerman,
Professor of Planning and Public Administration,
Wagner Graduate School of Public Service,
New York University
Mr. Tim Baker,
Director of Strategic Initiatives,
MTA Bridges and Tunnels,
New York City
Ms. Prachi Vakharia,
Business Development,
Mr. Mysore Nagaraja,
Chairman & Co-Founder,
Spartan Solutions, LLC

Experts forecast that the global population in urban areas will grow to more than two-thirds by 2050, presenting both challenges and tremendous opportunity in the free flow of transportation as the economic lifeblood of cities. This panel will discuss how improved transportation logistics is a global priority for economic growth and stability in the world’s modern and developing economies and how companies will prosper by investing over the coming decades in transportation growth and the infrastructure required to support this future demand. They will also address how new transportation initiatives will impact issues of climate change, traffic congestion, community health and security, and the "smart road forward" to integrate and balance environmental stewardship with the transportation needs of the public.

9:00 am – 9:10 am

Session Break

9:10 am - 10:10 am

Location: Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Energy: How Asian Markets Are Competing With US and Middle East Energy Sectors
Mr. Robert D. Hormats,
Vice Chairman,
Kissinger Associates
Mr. Orville Schell,
Arthur Ross Director,
Center on U.S.-China Relations,
Asia Society
Mr. Michael Sonnenfeldt,
Founder & Chairman,
Tiger 21
Dr. Rahmat Shoureshi,
New York Institute of Technology
Dr. Massoud Amin,
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering,
Director of the Technological Leadership Institute,
University of Minnesota
Mr. Peter Gish,
UPC Renewables

The tilt in energy demand to Asian markets and competition from unconventional hydrocarbon production represents shifts in the established global energy order. How producers in the MENA region adapt to these changes will be critical to their longterm economic health. The key concerns for energy producers in the MENA region, and how political, economic and market factors are reshaping the energy sector in the region and beyond will be explored along the following key issues:

  • Which political scenarios need to be considered at a time of uncertainty for the US and Arab regions?
  • What are the implications of unconventional oil and gas production for Gulf and US producers?
  • How is the energy relationship between Asia and the US Gulf regions likely to develop?
  • How able are Asian markets to defend their strategic interests in the Middle East and US?

10:10 am – 10:20 am

Session Break

10:20 am - 11:20 am

Location: Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Keynote Speaker: The New Technology: Promise and Peril

Dr. John Duke Anthony,
Founding President & CEO,
National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
Opening Remarks and Presentation of
C3-NCUSAR Lifetime Achievement Award
to Keynote Speaker

Gen. Wesley K. Clark (ret.),
Founder & CEO,
Wesley K. Clark & Associates, LLC

The Internet has proved a transformative force improving efficiency in communications, media, manufacturing, finance, logistics, transportation, energy, and marketing.

‎Today, the Internet is now recognized as providing as much peril as promise. ‎Individual criminal activities, ranging from identity theft to industrial espionage, have been facilitated. Terrorists have become adept at Internet and social-media-based recruiting. Sabotage of major economic sectors is possible, including destruction of key machinery or nodes. And day-to-day sparring between individuals, no state actors and governments is ongoing. Recents hacks at the Pentagon and the US Office of Personnel Management illustrate the seriousness of the challenge.

Cyber Security today is a challenge and cost driver for businesses, as well as governments. But it is also a huge profit opportunity for some leading-edge tech firms. ‎Teamwork between public and private-sector organization is mandatory. International cooperation is required. But, with the best of intentions and almost unlimited resources, "cyber" will be both promise and peril in the years ahead.

Note: Please see link for General Clark's Op-ed article published in USA Today:
"How To Defeat Russia's Syria Gambit"

11:20 am – 11:30 am

Session Break

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Location: Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

L3 KEYNOTE PANEL: Smart Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance
Mr. Keith ("Spike") Gentile,
Air Force & Special Programs Business Development,
L-3 Communications,
Communications Systems West
Mr. Pat Holub,
Business Development Manager,
US Navy Surface Ship Programs
& Middle East OpportunitIes,
L-3 Communications,
Communications Systems East
Mr. Bryan Berthy,
Mission Systems,
Engineering & Technical Operations,
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics
Mr. Paul Doherty,
President & CEO,
the digit group
Mr. David Batsford,
Chairman and CEO,
SmartPoints Technology
Mr. Jothy Rosenberg,
Associate Director,
Cyber Systems Group,
Draper Laboratory
The purpose of this panel is to draw attention to when and what military and/or homeland security "cyber" operations might be required, either now or in the future, to protect the national security of a country. While technology progresses and cyber threats expand to a new and deeply digitized world of insecurity, there is an increasing need to develop and adopt better technologies that are innovative and effective for a successful cyber defense initiative that protects against both regional and global cyber attacks. Smart technology as a defense tool is therefore an asset. Given the future possibility of global "electronic" warfare, it will be important for countries to develop a "smart" cyber defense to evaluate the need for theater operations in the real and/or virtual world. A smart cyber defense, when correctly executed, brings about a form of regional cooperation that protects global interests through the strategic sharing of technological information, intelligence and costs.

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm

Location: Dining Room
(Third Floor)

LUNCHEON BREAK: Sustainable Smart Cities: It's All About The People

Welcoming Remarks Introduction
Mr. Mohammad Adil "Mak" Khan-Qasmi,
US Halal Association

Mr. Paul Doherty,
President & CEO,
the digit group,
Keynote Luncheon Address on behalf of:

Dr. Muhammad Munir Chaudry,
The Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America

A Smart City is not a marketing campaign, a sophisticated sales technique nor an intriguing political catch phrase. It is a series of solutions to a serious and urgent situation that the world faces today. Smart Cities are emerging as a civic action due to a “perfect storm” of the convergence of market conditions; technology innovation; social wants and government needs; and the migration to urban environments that has accelerated on a global scale that dwarfs any previous mass movement of people in history. Join us for an exploration of real world examples of sustainable smart cities in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and China that can provide you with frameworks for success that will include safety, security, education, sufficient food, quality medical care and an improved quality of life.

1:20 pm – 1:30 pm

Session Break

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Track #1
Location: Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Thwarting "Space" Invaders: The Need for Greater Global Security
Mr. Brendan Hannigan,
General Manager, Global Security Systems,
Mr. Steve Lutes,
Executive Director,
U.S.-GCC Business Initiative,
Director, Middle East Affairs,
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Maurice Sonnenberg,
Senior International Advisor,
Guggenheim Securities, LLC
Mr. James Kaplan,
McKinsey & Company
Mr. Muneer A. Baig,
President & CEO,

On a daily basis, global governments and owners and operators of privately owned critical infrastructure are confronted with threats from terrorists, rogue states, and hackers that are growing more targeted, more sophisticated, and more serious. Over the past year, we have all experienced the onslaught of headlines about major hacks and widespread information security threats worldwide. It has created alarming awareness, indeed, for the hundreds of millions of consumers who have seen their credit card numbers, email addresses, and other personal information exposed by online intruders. Globally, cybercrime costs exceed $445 billion each year, with the United States accounting for nearly one-quarter of that price tag, the Center for Strategic and International Studies reported in June. With the recent attack on the US federal employees, government leaders across the globe are highlighting increased security risks given the impact of cyber breaches on the US economy, as noted below:

  • Financial Losses = 37.5%
  • Intellectual Property Theft = 31.8%
  • Corporate Reputation Compromised = 31.2%
  • Fraud 15.8%
  • Legal Exposure/Lawsuit = 12.2%
  • Loss of Shareholder Value = 11.3%
  • Global Extortion = 7.1%

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Track #2
Location: Main Lounge
(First Floor)

Infrastructure: The Vision and Paradigm for Smart/Secure Cities of the Future
Dr. Rahmat Shoureshi,
New York Institute of Technology
Mr. Feniosky Peña-Mora,
New York City Department of Design & Construction
Dr. Tariq Samad,
Corporate Fellow and Global Innovation Leader,
Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions
Dr. Efran Ibrahim,
Center Director,
Cyber-Physical Systems Security & Resilience R&D,
National Renewable Energy Lab
Dr. Mark McGranaghan,
Vice President,
Electric Power Research Institute
Mr. Jothy Rosenberg,
Associate Director,
Cyber Systems Group,
Draper Laboratory

The need for urban critical infrastructure development and maintenance will remain acute well into the middle of the century to accommodate the growing global population and migration waves. This panel will discuss ways in which governments and communities will benefit by developing the necessary knowledge and skill sets in the planning and design of integrated urban infrastructure systems required to support future sustainable growth while at the same time reducing the ecological footprint. The positive impact on economic development will also be addressed through the "networks" of man-made infrastructure systems that function collaboratively and synergistically to produce and distribute the essential goods and services modern societies require in transportation networks, building components, energy generation and distribution, water supply and waste treatment systems, and new information technologies.

2:30 pm – 2:40 pm

Session Break

2:40 pm - 3:40 pm

Track #1
Location: Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Media: The Evolution From Traditional to Social and the Continued Global Impact
Ms. Ana C. Rold,
Founder & Publisher,
Diplomatic Courier
Mr. Thomas A.W. Miller,
Diplomatic & Global Business Lead,
Bloomberg BNA
Mr. Mohamed Elkhashab,
CEO & President,
Reach Media Inc.
Mr. Andreas Sandre,
Press & Public Affairs Officer,
Embassy of Italy,
Washington, DC
Mr. Mohammed Barakat,
US-Qatar Business Council
Dr. Bessma Momani,
Associate Professor,
Balsillie School of International Affairs,
University of Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada
Dr. Sharri R. Clark,
Foreign Affairs Officer,
Bureau of
U.S. Department of State
There are now more than 135 million internet users in the Arab region of which over 71 million active users utilize social networking technologies. Arab youth is at the heart of the evolution of the Middle East media market, which is poised to be one of the world’s fastest growing, with rapid digitization, growth in population size and consumer spending far above the global average. This evolution is being driven by cultural changes in consumer behavior, resulting in new and significant opportunities in the sector. This panel will address how social media and mobile technology continue to dramatically influence information gathering and sharing across the region, and where source credibility, relevancy, and bandwidth of online followers are key influencers. Discussion will also highlight emerging trends with Smartphone penetration, the need for companies and services to be mobile ready, wearable devices, cyber security, and how Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Facebook and new players like Path, Vine, Tumblr, Foursquare, Snapchat and other social media innovators are connecting with consumers creating loyal communities on emerging platforms that ensure success and access for your brand and company.

2:40 pm - 3:40 pm

Track #2
Location: Main Lounge
(First Floor)

The Importance of IP Protection in Every Aspect of "Smart" Technology
Mr. George Likourezos,
Carter, DeLuca, Farrell & Schmidt, LLP
Mr. Jason Sher,
Patent Attorney,
Carter, DeLuca, Farrell & Schmidt, LLP
Mr. Michael R. Brew,
Carter, DeLuca, Farrell & Schmidt, LLP
Mr. Robert J. Castro,
Former Chief of Staff,
Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations,
U.S. Department of State
Mr. Seth M. Cannon,
Carter, DeLuca, Farrell & Schmidt, LLP
With every new technological advance, legal issues will arise that address key protection in patent, trademark, industrial design, trade secrets, counterfeiting, consumer security, and other areas of IP litigation regarding commercially important and technically complex intellectual property cases. As companies innovate ever more disruptive technology such as 'invasive' or 'embedded' technology, the legal issues surrounding IP system will be even more challenging to navigate. This panel will discuss the legal issues around the transition in technology from "usage" to increased "interaction" with each other, companies and the environment and review what are the necessary changes required in the law as our traditional relationship with technology evolves.

3:40 pm – 4:00 pm

Session Break

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Track #1
Location: Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Water: The Next Big Future Challenge, Both Accessibility and Security
Ms. Laura Lombard,
President & Executive Director,
Mr. Hampton Dowling,
Founder & Managing Partner,
Mr. Steve Fleischli,
Director & Senior Attorney,
Water Program,
Natural Resources Defense Council
Dr. John P. Entelis,
Professor of Political Science,
Chair of Political Science Department,
Director of the Middle East Studies Program,
Fordham University
Mr. Chuck Mitman,
Managing Director,
Rainmaker Worldwide, Inc.
Mr. John Oldfield,
Wash Advocates
All aspects of social and economic development – often referred to as the food, energy, health and environment ‘nexus’ – depend on water. The United Nations has set as a global objective international support for adopting "universal water security" as one of its sustainable development goals. This panel of water experts will discuss ways in which the public and private sectors can work together to safeguard access to adequate quantities of quality water for urban and rural communities, positively impact the growth of food production, and why preserving ecosystems to sustain water security will contribute to political and economic stability. Also addressed will be new agricultural water technologies, where big data is revolutionizing our ability to manage natural resources sustainably, advances in re-cycling waste, and how companies and governments are bringing together irrigation, hydropower and environmental concerns to create a more holistic vision for securing future water services and access.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Track #2
Location: Main Lounge
(First Floor)

Connectivity: The Middle of Nowhere is No More - How Satellites Make Smart Cities Intelligent
Mr. Louis ("Lou") Zacharilla,
Co Founder,
Director of Development,
Intelligent Community Forum
Mr. Suneet Singh Tuli,
Mr. Raj Pande,
Hutton & Williams
Mr. Mohamed Malouche,
Tunisian American Young Professionals
Mr. M.G. ("Moe") Abutaleb,
UltiSat, Inc.
This panel will explore the role satellite broadband networks play in the development of Middle East and North African intelligent communities, and the macro role intelligent communities play in the evolution of globally connected societies. By removing traditional barriers to connectivity, satellite broadband promotes the development of virtual metropolises that further aid in regional growth. This connectivity has enabled robust MENA societal development, without many consumers realizing it.

5:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Location: Lincoln Hall
(Second Floor)

Closing Plenary: Evolving to a Smart and Secure Future
Mr. V. James ("Jim") Onalfo,
Former Deputy Commissioner & CIO,
New York Police Department

5:45 pm - 7:00 pm

Location: Main Lounge
(First Floor)

Networking Reception

Music by:
Joseph Mohan