
Here are some of our extraordinary C3 Summit past speakers:

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    Ambassador Mohammed Al Hussaini Al Sharif

    Chief Representative to the United States
    League of Arab States

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    Kenneth D. Daly

    National Grid

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    Amat Al Alim Alsoswa

    Managing Director
    Executive Bureau
    Acceleration of Aid Absorption and Support
    Policy Reforms

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    Edward D. Burke, Jr.

    Edward Burke & Associates
    Founder & Managing Partner

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    Rahilla Zafar

    Arab Women Rising

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    Honourable Emma Hippolyte

    Minister for Commerce
    Business Development
    Investment and Consumer Affairs
    Saint Lucia

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    Wided Fakraoui

    Customer Representative
    Education for Employment (EFE)

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    Hussain A. Qaragholi

    President of the US Business Council

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    Dr. Michael Morgan

    Founder & President
    St. Mark's World

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    Amani Al-Khatahtbeh

    Media Relations Specialist
    American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee

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    Danny E. Sebright

    U.S.-U.A.E. Business Council

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    Ambassador Stuart Beck

    United Nations Ambassador for Oceans and Seas
    Republic of Palau

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    Richard Wilson

    Saudi-US Trade Group

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    Walid G. Mansour

    Managing Partner
    Middle East Venture Partners
    Beirut, Lebanon

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    Peter Ford


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    Chemi Peres

    Managing General Partner and Co-Founder
    Pitango Venture Capital

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    Wael Fakharany

    Regional Director
    Egypt & North Africa, Google

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    Rula Shunnar

    Country Representative
    Palestine & Jordan

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    Aida Araissi

    Founder and Chief Executive Officer
    Bilateral US-Arab Chamber of Commerce

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    Jean R. AbiNader

    Executive Director
    Moroccan American Trade & Investment Center

Sponsorship AVE/ROI

Annual AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) = $912,685


365 national and international media outlets who reported on C3
AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) = $255,500 (365 international/domestic print and broadcast "placements" x avg. cost of $700 per placement)

C3 Summit Website Stats

Unique visitors (since launch on Jan1, 2012 – December 1, 2014) = 127,900 = 127,900
ANNUAL AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) = $42,633 (127,900 unique visitors x $1 per person / 3 years)

Total "clicks" (since launch on Jan 1, 2012 – December 1, 2014) = 4,851,733
ANNUAL AVE (Advertising Value Equivalent) = $614,552 (4,851,733 total clicks x US avg. cost per click of $0.38 / 3 years)